Executive Director
TOVAH, Inc.’s Executive Director, Kim Pietrorazio, has experience with both direct level case management and administrative and operational management, thereby providing clients a multi-leveled perspective. In a range of roles, Kim has worked on projects with a diversity of concerns and offers a full-scale, holistic insight on key issues affecting housing and providers individually and systemically.
Kim has over twenty years of professional experience within the housing industry managing and strategically planning private and non-profit multi-faceted projects in the development, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of case management, social, recreational, educational, health, resident empowerment, neighborhood revitalization, relocation, and supportive service initiatives. She has successfully designed and implemented supportive service programs, policies and procedures measures, public relations campaigns, funding acquisition and quality assurance programs.
Kim’s breadth of experience includes working with HUD subsidized elderly & disabled communities; HUD subsidized family properties; non-profit community organizations; private for-profit and non-profit management companies; federal public housing communities; state public housing developments and supportive housing communities.
She has received extensive training and is knowledgeable about fair housing, reasonable accommodations, ADA guidelines, affirmative fair housing marketing practices, application processes, maintenance, capital improvements, management/resident relations, customer service, section 8 project based and housing choice voucher programs, RAP assistance, low-income housing tax credit program, Section 202 and 236 and state and federal housing programs, Low Income Tax Credit programs, neighborhood revitalization, construction and relocation policies and procedures.