Relocation Management
TOVAH Inc. provides comprehensive relocation management services developed in coordination with developers, owners, funders and management agents to ensure that residents are relocated in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) requirements and program goals.
Our Relocation Services include:
- Relocation plan development
- Resident education
- Relocation advisory services
- Case management
- Provision of requisite notices and reports
- Coordination and implementation of all activities related to local, State, and Uniform Relocation Act (URA) requirements
- Post Relocation Assessment
Our Relocation Team will notify residents per URA requirements, calculate appropriate relocation benefits (URA and supplemental), assist with the housing search, and ensure that the relocation is successful. Furthermore, the relocation consulting staff will have prime responsibility for identifying household needs, conducting housing searches, assisting in the application process, and coordinating the physical moves to new housing for all affected households.
The relocation consulting staff will coordinate with other organizations and individuals who will be providing homeownership training, referrals to appropriate services, advocacy on behalf of impacted residents, monitoring of the effectiveness of these services, and troubleshooting of specific issues and special needs for each family.